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صابونة مخصصة للقضاء على السيلوليت وتنحيف الجسم بالقهوة و العرعرمزيج فريد من الكافيين وخلاصة العرعر له فوائد عديدة للجسم الوزن 120 جرام
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EGP 120
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Safaga Sea Salt with rose petals Ingredients: safaga sea salt , rose petals. Relax in a warm bath with the beautiful rose scent this sea salt leaves your skin feeling so soft. combining the flavor enhancing superpowers of salt with flavorings that will truly take your bath over the top.
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EGP 100
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صابونة رقه بالكولاجين تزود بشرتك بكل ما تحتاجه يومياً من عناية لتعيد النضارة لوجهك وتحسن شكل وملمس البشرة الوزن 120 جرام
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EGP 120
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Refreshing, delicate & soothing Amazing treat for delicate skin. Spirulina powder works as vitamin booster and Anti-wrinkle ingredient
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EGP 120
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natural , gentle and effective cleanser, ideal for use whenever one needs a natural and safe cleanalcohol-freefor face and body. perfect for the shower 500 ml
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EGP 200
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moisturizers - toner - vitamin booster anti-pigmentation & whitening face mistdistillation of liquorice roots & waterthis formula based on 100% pure liquorice hydrosolperfect whitening agent make skin feels soft and clean with a sweet note finish 125 ml
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EGP 150
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moisturizers - toner - vitamin booster repair hair mist & anti-oxidant face mistdistillation of aloe-vera leaves & water this formula based on 100% pure aloe-vera hydrosol 125 ml
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EGP 150
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natural moisturizing and scented butter made from organic butter, oils & vitamins for amazing nourishment & moisturizing effect to your skin all day without leave greasy feelingsuitable for all skin type egyptian rose 150 gm 
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EGP 200
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Showing 13 - 20 of 20 items

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